each flash of consciousness belongs to its moment, as the shadow belongs to the light; this way, we have to work it from moment to moment; we cannot load the consciousness that happens now to the future, because we need to figure it out on each moment, again and again... always in the present... always in each little instant; into the every insignificant instant of life... there is an amazing flower for us...
- o potencial do poema (crítica)
- o princípio da inteligência... (aforismo)
- quem vive pela estética... (prosa poética)
- o mesmo cão... (poema)
- a regra da florzinha (prosa poética)
- continuidades (crônica)
- a regra de areia (prosa poética)
- a regra da palha seca (prosa poética)
- os covardes heróis (crônica)
- alucinações: (poema)
- each flash... (prose poetry)
- comícios poemas... (crônica)