Fernando Henrique Catani
+55 19 98848 2112(Brazil)
Artist - Knifemaker - Poet - Pedagogue and Master in Education. With 27 years of experience in drug and alcohol recovery programs and in projects for children and adolescents in situations of social risk or in conflict with the law.
Brazilian and Italian citizen, educator, poet and a plastic artist. Graduated in Pedagogy from Unicamp. With a Master's in Education (M.Ed.) from the same university, in a dissertation on some specific qualities of the processes of artistic creation and the observation of art works entitled: “A Vision of the Artistic Soul”. As an educator/researcher, organizing educational activities for the development of poetic/aesthetic processes of artistic creation since 1998. Currently, inspired by a semiotic paradigm that orbits between Bachelard, Hillman, Eco, Barthes and Krishnamurti, studying some conceptual archetypes inherent to processes of poetic/aesthetic creation and to works of art as a whole, organized in a thesis involving a perspective on a Model/Scale Drama called “The Twelve Poetic/Aesthetic Dispositions and The Six Primitive Themes of the Artistic Soul”.
As an artist I have been doing and thinking in the area of visual arts and literary poetry since 1983, working in literary and visual artworks, poems, flash fictions and poetic short essays, with official art exhibitions throughout the state of São Paulo, in Brazil, also some official art exhibitions of national character, two official municipal awards promoting brazilian culture and two international collectives expositions in Italy; I had a poem selected on the Official Cultural Map of Sao Paulo-Brazil in Literature (poetry) in 1997, and another poem, together with some digital photomontages, published on the 2014 edition of the Cybernetics and Human Knowing Journal.
As art educator and a researcher in Brazil I organize educational activities for the development of poetic/aesthetic processes of artistic creation. I study some conceptual archetypes that I think are inherent to the same processes of poetic/aesthetic creation, and on the art works as a whole, which I call “The Six Petal Rose - Primitive Themes Of The Artistic Soul", which is a thesis that it is planned to be develop in a PhD program and has a paper published in “Nuovi Quaderni del Circolo Semiologico Siciliano”- Università degli Studi di Palermo.
I have been acting also in social projects and private institutions since 1995: As a social educator in therapeutic communities and clinics for drugs and alcohol addiction with 27 years of experience in recovering social programs for abuse of drugs and alcohol; As an art educator in socio-cultural projects for children and adolescents in social risks and conflicts with the law; As an activist artist and educator I maintained a partnership with the “Ateliê Espaço 8” of the Mental Health Service Cândido Ferreira from 1990 to 2005; Art educator at Project FEBEM-ART at internment units for young offenders; Tutor educator in training projects for monitors and teachers of public schools and social projects; Advisor in several cultural workshops and courses offered to children, adolescents, adults and also people with special needs, by way of resources assigned by the municipalities and secretaries of state for culture and social development; As an university professor in 2013 for the discipline Corporal Expression and Musicality in Basic Education in the Pedagogy Graduation Course of Americana city in Brazil.
And, as an cultural entrepreneur, between 2004-2025, I have been organizing the Mundo Artista Project that is an initiative that offers educational projects and educational proposals that involves activities of increasing people skills on a frame workshop, an artistic gallery, a tattoo artistic collective studio and that offers also services in pedagogical consulting and tutoring, to meet major demands of humanistic education and the development of the person on aesthetic, preventive and prospective education. Alongside this work in Brazil, from January 2017 I decided to leave for an international professional adventure and I lived and worked as a freelance artist in Amsterdam until January 2018, when I moved to Italy to develop more opportunities to expose my artwork and engage it in new artistic projects with a worldwide projection. In Italy, 2018, I became interested in cutlery and studied with an Italian master cutlery in Firenze. I return to Brazil in 2019 and start a laboratory of artisanal knives called Naive Roots.
2009/25- Permanent exhibition at MundoArtista Gallery - Brazil
2008- A retrospective at the Academy of Arts and Letters - Campinas, Brazil
2000- IX National Hall Sind-Com. Art - Guest Artist - in Campinas, Brazil
1996- Performance "PRALMAS" at the Museum of the City (Campinas) - Brasil
1995- "PALIMPSESTO" at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Campinas, Brazil
2022 - Coletiva do Acervo de Inauguração da Galeria "Dimas Planas Garcia" no Sindicom Campinas.
2020- Coletiva TRAMA INCOMUM - Secretaria Especial de Cultura do Governo Federal do Brasil.https://issuu.com/pavaocultural/docs/revisadoa4finalrev
2017- Rembrandtplein Art Market & De Hallen Art Market (Amsterdam)http://www.rembrandtartmarket.nl/
2014- Bodies Of Water-4th STATE OF WATER - (http://waterbodies.org/water-drop/clouds-poems)
2009/25- Permanent exhibition at MundoArtista Gallery-Brazil
2007- "The Poetics of Nothing" for the Biennial of the Bizarre - Atibaia City – Brazil
2005- Collective exhibition "Animalia Metalla Tehran Nathan" Cultural Association Aleph / Perugia / Italy
2004- Show “The Brazilian Handcraft “- Batik - in EuroChocolate04-Rocca Paolina-CERP Sale / Perugia / Italy
2003- "Brazilian Shows Crafts" - Brazilian Consulate in Rome - Italy
2002- Artist invited to the "Panorama of Contemporary Art at the Campinas Modern Art Museum”- Brazil
1998- Art Gallery of Unicamp Art Academy (Space 8 Workshop) - Brasil
1997- VI Biennial National Santos-Brazil
1994 - III Sindicon-Art Campinas (silver medal)
1993- IV Biennial National Santos-Brazil (judge: Nelson Aguilar)
1991- XV Sanjoanense of Contemporary Art Hall (gold medal)
1989 to 2003- Participant Artist of the “Fair of Fine Arts and Crafts” of Campinas City - Brazil
2001- Medal "Carlos Gomes da Câmara Municipal de Campinas" – Brasil (for the activities as art-educator)
1997- Selected Cultural Map of Campinas in Sao Paulo - Brazil - in Literature (Poetry)
1994- Incentive Award - Campinas - Brazil - law6571 (judges: Agnaldo Farias, Daniela Bousso, Rodrigo Naves)
2017- Communication at the international conference “Iconologie del Tatuaggio – Scritture Del Corpo e Oscillazioni Identitarie” Palermo, Italy - December 1th - Museo delle Marionette. http://www.circolosemiologicosiciliano.it/tattoo-iconologies/
2015- A Poem and Digital Photomontages - Cybernetics & Human Knowing Journal/ http://chkjournal.com/node/54
2014- Bodies Of Water-4th State of Water - Clouds & Poems - http://waterbodies.org/water-drop/clouds-poems
2014- Fernando Catani/Blog: http://fhcatani.blogspot.nl/ (literary, artistic and professional production)
2011- Uma Visão da Alma Artística (A Vision of The Artistic Soul). Dissertação de Mestrado (M.Ed.) - São Paulo-FE/Unicamp-Campinas /230p. http://repositorio.unicamp.br/jspui/handle/REPOSIP/251140
2004- Arte Banida Arte Bandida: Aspectos do Fracasso Escolar e da Medida Sócio-Educativa (Banned Art Bandit Art: Aspects of the School Failure and of the Socio-Educational Measures. Campinas:TCC/FE-Unicamp, /150p. http://www.bibliotecadigital.unicamp.br/document/?down=000310824
2002- “Do Trabalho Pedagógico Sobre Uma Educação Reformadora”(Pedagogical Work on a Reforming Education). III Encontro de Estudantes de Graduação dos Cursos de Formação da Unicamp/Livreto de Resumos. Campinas: FE Unicamp
1996/2022- POEMAS/POEMS. Work in Progress - Independent publication. Campinas SP Brasil
2017- Rembrandtplein Art Market & De Hallen Art Market (Amsterdam)http://www.rembrandtartmarket.nl/
2014- Bodies Of Water-4th STATE OF WATER - (http://waterbodies.org/water-drop/clouds-poems)
2009/25- Permanent exhibition at MundoArtista Gallery-Brazil
2007- "The Poetics of Nothing" for the Biennial of the Bizarre - Atibaia City – Brazil
2005- Collective exhibition "Animalia Metalla Tehran Nathan" Cultural Association Aleph / Perugia / Italy
2004- Show “The Brazilian Handcraft “- Batik - in EuroChocolate04-Rocca Paolina-CERP Sale / Perugia / Italy
2003- "Brazilian Shows Crafts" - Brazilian Consulate in Rome - Italy
2002- Artist invited to the "Panorama of Contemporary Art at the Campinas Modern Art Museum”- Brazil
1998- Art Gallery of Unicamp Art Academy (Space 8 Workshop) - Brasil
1997- VI Biennial National Santos-Brazil
1994 - III Sindicon-Art Campinas (silver medal)
1993- IV Biennial National Santos-Brazil (judge: Nelson Aguilar)
1991- XV Sanjoanense of Contemporary Art Hall (gold medal)
1989 to 2003- Participant Artist of the “Fair of Fine Arts and Crafts” of Campinas City - Brazil
2001- Medal "Carlos Gomes da Câmara Municipal de Campinas" – Brasil (for the activities as art-educator)
1997- Selected Cultural Map of Campinas in Sao Paulo - Brazil - in Literature (Poetry)
1994- Incentive Award - Campinas - Brazil - law6571 (judges: Agnaldo Farias, Daniela Bousso, Rodrigo Naves)
2022 - Master Class "A Vision of the Artistic Soul"- For the discipline "Art and Law" in the law course at Universidade Mackenzie Campinas.
2020 - Catálogo Digital Trama Incomum exposição de artes visuais- Secretaria Especial de Cultura do Brasil. https://issuu.com/pavaocultural/docs/revisadoa4finalrev
2018 - The Six-Petalled Rose - The Primitive Themes of The Artistic Soul (for the international conference: Tattoo Iconologies. Scriptures of the Body and Identity Oscillations - paper published in Nuovi Quaderni del Circolo Semiologico Siciliano - Università degli Studi di Palermo)
2017- Communication at the international conference “Iconologie del Tatuaggio – Scritture Del Corpo e Oscillazioni Identitarie” Palermo, Italy - December 1th - Museo delle Marionette. http://www.circolosemiologicosiciliano.it/tattoo-iconologies/
2015- A Poem and Digital Photomontages - Cybernetics & Human Knowing Journal/ http://chkjournal.com/node/54
2014- Bodies Of Water-4th State of Water - Clouds & Poems - http://waterbodies.org/water-drop/clouds-poems
2014- Fernando Catani/Blog: http://fhcatani.blogspot.nl/ (literary, artistic and professional production)
2011- Uma Visão da Alma Artística (A Vision of The Artistic Soul). Dissertação de Mestrado (M.Ed.) - São Paulo-FE/Unicamp-Campinas /230p. http://repositorio.unicamp.br/jspui/handle/REPOSIP/251140
2004- Arte Banida Arte Bandida: Aspectos do Fracasso Escolar e da Medida Sócio-Educativa (Banned Art Bandit Art: Aspects of the School Failure and of the Socio-Educational Measures. Campinas:TCC/FE-Unicamp, /150p. http://www.bibliotecadigital.unicamp.br/document/?down=000310824
2002- “Do Trabalho Pedagógico Sobre Uma Educação Reformadora”(Pedagogical Work on a Reforming Education). III Encontro de Estudantes de Graduação dos Cursos de Formação da Unicamp/Livreto de Resumos. Campinas: FE Unicamp
1996/2022- POEMAS/POEMS. Work in Progress - Independent publication. Campinas SP Brasil