30 de nov. de 2024

Something Or Other (chronicle)

Something Or Other: A Little Curiosity About A Poetics<>Aesthetics Reconstruction.

There are three basic problems with models. The first one is that to be a model it has to have very well-defined boundaries, which will end up making everything and everyone that the model does not involve be considered unbalanced, abnormal, incorrect or impure.The second is, as a consequence, the danger of the diagnosis, not in itself, but in the model of subliminal normality or abnormality, righteousness or filthiness that it invents through comparison, although, what are the limits of this, let's say, standard of right or wrong, complete or broken? Someone being classified into a typology of imbalance is based on a model of balance, likewise, someone classified in a typology of balance is also based on a model of imbalance. The third one, sprouted from the first two, is that even to deny standardized classifications and admit new possible identities, other limited models are automatically created, because the main problem is not the need to escape from a standardization, but rather not being able to stop being trapped in another newly entangled. Well, here again we have the opportunity to look at a subject and glimpse the model/scale drama. While the model diagnosis only sees the exemplary expression of an aspect of singularity, a model, it misses the opportunity to understand the contextual tragedy in which someone is inserted, that is, in understanding the scale of its reality. This is fundamental because, more common than we think, a behavior diagnosed as disruptive, for instance, could be the best adaptation to a chaotic environment, therefore, a movement to compose better one's huge scale drama. Going further, a very good example to examine these aspects is the context of the so-called covid pandemic. Into the catastrophe of a tremendous dystopia that plagues everyone, once again bringing up the spectrum of the failure of organized model arbitrary framings, the coronavirus outbreak was synergistic to the whole of this actual extreme context. Its appearance was the explosion of humanity's spiritual carelessness. Spiritual in the humane imagination bias, which grounds the scientific conscience of the soul, and in the foundation of the archetypal symbol, the semiotic approach to the immense scale of the phenomenon of life. This pandemic fuses the world, the symbiotic planet, once and for all. It is the end of the fragmented globe, anyway. Pandemic as an catalyzer that shatters the interface between the facts and the discourses signs. Now both are merged and revealed. Horizontality and revelation, a profound acceleration of the alienated celebrity deconstruction. The heroes now are anonymous. What was modular and comparable is now scalar and superlative. Just being human is enough to be a hero. Fracture of the makeup, of the garantee position of the persona and the protection of the ethos, the production, of the process as a capsule to distance someone from the flaws. Now, it is impossible not to assume a position, a bias, a determination. Not because someone needs to, but because it cannot be hidden anymore. The monster is completly out of its cave and, its tragic pathos, the society's pandemic response is the major significance of our absurd weakness. But this broken situation forces us to stop euphemisms, at least until now. And it makes us seek identification by humanity and not by objectification. This is, in short, the great moment when we should really start to separate the chaff from the wheat. And this is no longer a simple metaphor a little misunderstood. Now it is crisp and clear. The false goes for the lie and the fact, for the suffering. It was bizarre. Something needed to change. Something is going to change forcibly. On our face and the face of mankind. Some other thing, unprecedented, is emerging. An intuition was born that there is no point in only changing models anymore, because an uncontrolled scale will always corrupt anyone, no matter how good they may be. Now is the time to act on the scale of our destiny. And not knowing what we can do should force us to understand that it is not what we could do that is important, but rather what we must stop doing and, thus, surrender to the scale, the proportion of the magnitude of existence. The rest comes after.

The Model/Scale Drama (chronicle)

The Model/Scale Drama

A start to face our huge problems would be to take a wider point from which we look and abandon the models perspective for the vision of scale. The movements of the model is to try to impose a solution that seems cannot withstand the pressure of scale; even because, if we look closely, our problems only increase regardless of the millions of models we have tried. Action at scale looks at the truth of each problem and the problem itself shows the real need; because looking at what is false in every movement and seeing the false is already revealing the truth. Another important thing is that in the scale approach we are all involved, the responsibility is parallel, coincident, simultaneous and stops being polarized in just refute or exchange models to assume the very tragedy of our human scale. Actually, if models can work it will only be functioning simultaneously like fractal pieces of a scale. It's the beginning and only after that can new movements emerge. 

18 de nov. de 2024

The Ouroboros' Scale ( chronicle)


The Ouroboros' Scale 

I apply the negative thinking, in an unsuccessful and anti-academic way, I just write poems and chronicles. To think about our current reality, I always start from the Cédric Duran's technofeudalism thesis and new reflections on this, for me it's an amazing perspective, however, if I can lowly contribute, I see some nuances, a dynamic that I call "scale/model drama", in two fundamental aspects that this particular subject could help to explain. One, there is a difference between the idea of exchanging particular models and the imposition of a mankind scale. Another, if I observe the movement of scale, from the very first tribe, there are no substitutions of contradictory models, but just an organicity of a great fractal spiral. Thus, I see three dramatic conclusions. First, the so-called capitalism never existed as a model, but only as a stage in the movement of scale, because models are illusions of a limited vision that appears to exist if you don't look at the scale. Second, we never left feudalism, which is actually the scale of our condition, all model ideas are only that fractal movement of its scale, because relationships of all kinds have always been, more or less evidently, of servitude and land exploitation. Third, there will never be emancipation of this context, this is just another model illusion, because feudalism in the movement of its scale, and now again, always incorporates all the supposed models, because this is an organic movement of humanity and what is self-destructing is not only the capitalism model which became the model of technofeudalism, but our entire planetary civilization. The only way to a solution, if there is still time, is to act on scale and not just invent models, otherwise the actual monstrous scale will collapse on itself.